Perfetto Density Cake Doughnuts By Doughology Of Lynbrook, L.I., New York…SAYS ME!

Let me start by saying when it comes to doughnuts, I really had no recollection of eating any other kind of donut other than those I would find at Dunkin’ Donuts or our NOFODOCO out east on the NOFO. That all changed recently when I discovered the cake based doughnut at Doughology.

With some quick research I found out there are yeast based doughnuts (Dunkin’ & Krispy Kreme) and the cake based doughnuts I recently discovered when meeting Chris at his Doughology Donut Truck!

You know what they say about happy people…Yeth 🙂

He had come with his famous all over Doughology Donut Truck to my granddaughter’s birthday party and I was treated to a small selection of his cake based doughnuts that caused me great wonder. Maybe I should just say the were simply Maaaaaaavelous!

Check out these doughnuts he made for me. Chocolate and vanilla covered doughnuts covered in fresh coconut and their interpretation of a jelly doughnut! Come on now…it was one fabulous jelly doughnut sandwich that stayed fresh for the few days it took me to finish them!

Here’s a close-up of both 🙂

Look at that!!

Because of this discovery I felt compelled to do a bit more research…and I read Bon Appetit magazine wrote that you are either a cake doughnut fan or a yeast doughnut fan.

They write that in the world of pastry lovers, the cake doughnut versus yeast doughnut debate ranks right up there with chocolate chip versus peanut butter. Each side has its proponents, who will argue fiercely that yeast doughnuts are better because they’re lighter, and won’t stick to the roof of your mouth, or that cake doughnuts are better because they’re more filling, more dunkable, and more like cake. My opinion…coming right up!

Check out some of the other flavors packed into his Make A Kid Smile Doughnut Truck…and I know you can see that invisible smile behind that mask right here:

…and smiles here…

Getting back to the opinion of Bon Appetit…

Frankly, I’m not so sure you have to be a fan of one doughnut style or the other. The bottom line here is that I found a new doughnut style by virtue of the cake base at DOUGHOLOGY that I “knock your socks off” enjoyed and now I’m a fan of BOTH styles of doughnuts.

So…to Chris & Co…I/we say thanks for producing my/our new favorite cake based selection of doughnuts…and we certainly hope to see you again soon!

Take GOOD care…and Stay Safe 🙂

To all of my readers: Would love to hear from you with any comments in the COMMENT box below.

Mangia bene’

Chef Bert

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