Posts made in November 2016

Master Chef Contestant Is Top Shelf Foodie / Long Island Weekly November 2-8, 2016

As I commented on my Facebook page...
"Sincere thanks to Anton Media Group writer and editor Dave Gilbert de Rubio for his polished writing skills. Credit must also be given to Charlotte Murphy for discovering my Newsday's newspaper Alejandra Villa, an Emmy award winning photographer extraordinaire for taking a pic that is worthy of this second write-up.

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New "Anniversary Shrimp & Clams Scampi" & Touring on The NOFO Election Day November 8, 2016

Yesterday was Sandy’s and my 41st wedding anniversary. We decided to head out east to wine country and enjoy a beautiful sunny 67 degree day.
First stop, Briermere Farm for PIE! Second stop…one of our favorite vineyards, Pugliese Vineyards, to pick up some of our favorite wines. While we were there, the always affable and hostess with the mostess, Mrs. Pugliese, offered us some cheese and wine as an anniversary gift.

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Traditional EZ to Make…EZ to bake… Florida Style Key Lime Pie with Organic Graham Cracker Crust. YUM!

What I’ve learned from the food shows over the last couple of years is that the demand for healthier ingredients in the foods we eat is fast becoming a way of life. Food manufacturers are responding to this call and making it easier for us to eat healthier.  If we put our minds to it, healthier is out there…but you need to read the list of ingredients on the labels and be able to understand them.
There are soooo many ways to make any dish and call it healthy. In my opinion, it’s all relative what is healthy. The reason for this is because anything you make can always be made healthier if you take the time and effort. In some instances, however, you may have to sacrifice the traditional flavor. All well and good if it makes YOU happy. Continue reading