A Must See By Christmas! A Truly WONDERful Holiday Phind in Deer Park…No Pun Intended!

Hellooo Everyone! I couldn’t wait to get back home this evening in order to create this entry for a super find you will truly marvel at. You only have a few days left…so don’t put this off!

Usually a find for me is a restaurant, a geographical destination where you are surrounded by food and/or wine…however this is an exception. The last exception was on October 26th, 2014 when I wrote about Sharyn and Joel’s (of Hamentashen fame) son Andrew.

“I Am Jewish” by Andrew Lusting. Uplifting to say the least! So…in the spirit of Hanukkah and the Jewish Holiday, here is Andrew! The link is below for those who trust my ‘taste” 

Now……Moving on to this one house WONDER in Deer Park, Long Island, New York that has put together a Christmas Spectacle…yes with a capital S that will simply have you, at the very least, saying “Whoaaah or WOW or YouGottaBeKidding or, well, simply Phabulous!!!

Sandy happened to have found it by looking on the computah for the “Best Holiday Lights On Long Island”…and up popped the Facebook page: Christmas lights Long Island map. As you pull onto 119 Liberty Street in Deer Park, I promise yours eyes will light up in anticipation of what is coming. Trust me, have I ever led you astray?

It will Entertain you, it will Charm you and it will leave smile on your face the entire time you are there.

The pics I am posting…as captivating and enchanting as they are simply cannot tell the whole story. Everything is moving, including this on it’s own page turning Christmas Story Book.

Are you ready to witness what will most likely turn out for you to be the #1 Christmas Spectacle on Long Island?

Plenty of movement in this pic! Just Wait…

You think those deer are just standing there? Nope…he’s just around the corner chomping at the bit and raring to go!!

If you think Santa’s Elves are just standing around in that garage…Uh -Uh!


Don’t worry…The Noelle Express train is coming any second now!

Use just a little imagination here….and HAVE  FUN!


Now…as promised…

A Phabulous Inspirational FIND…"I Am Jewish" by Andrew Lustig


As always, please feel free to comment in the comment box below. You have any Phabulous Finds you’d like to share…we’re all ears!


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