Truly Fabulous Food & Art Finds in Wynwood, Miami, Hollywood & Liberty Park, Florida

Successful restaurants need to offer delicious and simple fare. Waiters and waitresses with some personality are key…and don’t forget extra napkins.
Of course there also needs to be a certain level of creativity in the kitchen to stimulate and surprise patrons with recipes that manipulate and finesse ingredients to reach a level of individuality that sets them apart. Thus…it seems to me that when a restaurant situates itself in the middle of an art district, they must be imaginative enough to create food, to some degree, as an art form.
Food, as an art form, is unique in many ways. While a painting appeals to sight and music to sound…food appeals to most senses all at once. Texture, flavor, color and aroma all play a role in a successful dish and ultimately…the restaurant.
It’s with these thoughts in mind that Sandy and I bring to you some of our favorite phood phinds discovered in Florida.
Over the last couple of years we have watched the astonishing growth of the Wynwood Art District* in Miami, Florida. The Wynwood Diner opened in August, 2015 and is home to…so far…3 phabulous dishes. The Mean Bean Burger served on a brioche with pico de gallo, avocado and sweet mustard with a side of kale Caesar salad, The Classic Burger (a blend of angus beef and brisket)…and…the Brisket Sliders (cheddar & caramelized onions) won us over big time. To gracious host and owner Donald G. …not only will we be back, many others we know will be in to visit.

The Artful Wynwood Diner
The Mean Bean Burger
The Classic Burger
Tea anyone?
Brisket Slider…A Masterpiece
Our Table
Provencale Rose’
There really are sooooo many painted walls that adorn virtually every building and structure in Wynwood, it would be impossible to show them all. Many are cultural and fun…a few scary… and lately the proliferation of political commentary is nothing but Wow!
Here are just a few pics we took…Enjoy.
Helen, Sandy, Noel & Bert
Noel Lovin’ Miami
Yours Truly
Alison at Wynwood Walls
Hello Mr. Cute Purple Dragon
A few days after this visit, we came back with Alison who had never been to Wynwood.
Sandy heard about a must visit relatively new bakery that by any standard turned out to be one of the top few bakeries we have ever experienced and is a must stop for all of you who read this.
This is…Zak The Baker…and there is clearly, undeniably and beyond any doubt an art form a goin’ on here!
What was most impressive for me were the healthy ingredients used…and NO BROMATED FLOUR!
That and the passion and the smiles (remember I said part of success is personality?) are why I call this bakery an experience.
We were leaving in two days and Alison’s Anniversary gift to Sandy and me was all the baked goods we could carry home. Darn those airport luggage sizers.
Timing would have it that Ashley was there to give me a tour of the baked goods so I could write something for us all to enjoy and, as well, Zak of Zak The Baker fame was also there with his wide smile.
Ashley, Zak & Bert
The Full Wall Menu
There were again…sooooo many delicious breads (the best rye bread anywhere, ever) and baked goods, I simply could not tell you what they are other than the pics you see here.
Ahhhhh…The Breads…I can smell them from here
Another super standout…T.H.E. Babka!!!
Sandy & Alison at Zaks
More Babka
The Counter
Cherry Danish
Smiling Hmmmm
Smiling Govanna with guess what?
You have to understand that as superb as these foods taste, what compounds their enjoyment are the healthy ingredients.
Zak has many other breakfast and lunch dishes he offers with an ever changing menu.
He has a chef who prides herself as “The Savory” Chef and she loves her vegetables like I love my Garlic and EVOO. Meet Melissa!
Savory Chef Melissa
Let’s face it…A good looking dish is always more appetizing, especially when it smells great!
Ahhhhh…What a phab looking egg. Simple, Remember?
An appy
Zaks Bakery Delivers…in every sense of the word
Need I say anymore!
Oh yeah…one more thing…Their granola..down to my last 1/2 cup. Want more!!
Thank you to Ashley, Zak and Co. for your hospitality. See you again ASAP…
ps……just a tidbit…The Wynwood Diner proudly serves Zak The Baker breads
To learn more about Wynwood and Wynwood Walls….simply Google*
Next up…Liberty Park Arts and Crafts Show!
Here comes our art find for the year in the name of Kevin Kichar. There is something about folks who find it easy to smile and this artist truly and sincerely has something unique to smile about…
an art form as distinctive as we have ever seen and is now hanging in our home.
Read about Kevin…tell him Sandy & Bert sent you and you’ll be grinning too!
Bert & Kevin
One of our favorite stops for dinner and entertainment sits on the corner of Hollywood Boulevard and A1A in Hollywood, Florida
For The Taco Beach Shack we need to time the visits based on the type of entertainment for the evening as we prefer music with the Jamaican or Mexican Mariachi styles.
We also time our visits, if possible, for a Monday visit celebrating Margarita Mondays.
An excellent House Margarita for $8.50 turns into a $2.00 treat on Monday. Nuts, huh?
Let’s not kid ourselves here. The main reason we come is because the food is excellent.
In my life I have never tasted pulled short ribs like they serve here in their tacos. My favorite dish is the taco bowl served with pico de gallo, rice, beans, a special spicy slaw, chips, guacamole and sour cream.
Ohhh Goodness!
The Ohhh Goodness Short Rib Bowl
The Bar
Sandy’s Default Beef Burrito
The Stage with a Sandy Beach…ie…Taco Beach Shack
More Short Ribs
Mahi-Mahi Taco & Short Rib Taco
Sandy loves her/their burritos as much as La Cantina in Bayville, NY…and that’s saying something.
BTW…an update for La Cantina is coming soon…so get ready folks!
Ok…that about does it for this entry. Hope you enjoyed the read…and as always…
PLEASE feel free to comment. Do love the input!
Mangia Baby!

3 thoughts on "Truly Fabulous Food & Art Finds in Wynwood, Miami, Hollywood & Liberty Park, Florida"

Best Blog!! Your cuisines are luscious and mouth-watering.I highly recommend other, your place to dining with family. Thank You for such nice post. restaurants in miami

Bert Spitz says:

Hey Alfie…
Thanks much for your comment. The restaurant is not mine, however I chose to write about the dishes we enjoyed while dining there. Phab to know you think is worthy of a "Best Blog!!" moniker.

Bert (

yes, it is the best blog! Very helpful for food lovers and tourists to take perfect dining at perfect place. Thanks!

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