A Great White…Clam Sauce Story…From Braun’s Seafood…in Cutchogue (NOFO) To Bob The Clammer In Oyster Bay, New York

You might say this is a continuation of my previous chocolate chip cookie entry. It’s a really fun story that started at the famous Braun’s Seafood in Cutchogue, L. I., N.Y.

Before I get to the story, I think it’s about time to write a bit about Braun’s. Sandy & I discovered Brauns about 3 years ago and ever since then it’s our go to place for phabulous bisques and soups in the winter and some pretty creative and tasty prepared seafood dishes all year long. 


Helen, Joey, Lesley, Nigel Sandy & Bert
Braun’s, since 1928, is renowned for purveying and selling the absolute finest seafoods produced from the surrounding waters of Long Island and with a full menu of seafood specialties with personality provided by Cathy and her cast and crew. It’s not big restaurant, however quite comfortable for a nice lunch…or dinner if you are so inclined.
Trust me/us again for this phood phind on the NOFO.
Cathy with cast & crew & crew hand
Now…Back to the story…
As we were leaving our winter soup oasis, I stuck my head into the seafood shop and wound up walking out with some chopped fresh Long Island Clams for the very reasonable price of 6.99 lb.
I would have gotten fresh whole clams for the juice, however they threw in enough fresh clam juice and decided no whole clams for this one. Short & sweet.
The next day back home in East Norwich, Sandy wanted to take a ride down to
Teddy Roosevelt “TR” Park just down the street in Oyster Bay. It was nice and sunny and it’s particularly nice to watch the sun go down by the beach almost any time of year.
As timing would have it…and one of the reasons for this story…Sandy spots this boat pulling up to the dock and start to empty out huge bags of clams. Apparently, the local seafood distributors come to the dock to pickup all of these clams for use in the local seafood shops and restaurants.
She suggested I go out and take a few pics. Figuring this is a possibly a quick entry for the blog, off  I go to introduce myself to the fellas in the boat. After speaking with “Bob” for a couple of minutes, he was gracious enough to let me take my pics and out of the blue asks me if I’d like a couple of dozen clams.
In the back of my head, I’m saying Wow…what a coincidence…but I couldn’t.  I’m ready to make clam sauce and this fellow is offering me some fresh Long Island clams! I couldn’t. Actually, I could and graciously accepted his offer.
Off he went, but not before he gave me his cell phone number so I could send him the story I was going to write.
As I came back to shore, Sandy had struck up a conversation with a lady by the name of “Zorka”.
When I told them about the clams Bob handed me, she seemed to love the idea of cooking with these fresh out of the water clams, so I handed her some.
The sun was starting to set and the chill in the air signaled it was time to leave.
It was also time to try these clams fresh out of the water!
OK…so here goes…
It’s the same recipe I always use (the exception was Braun’s chopped fresh clams vs. my usual  Sam’s clams)which was written about this year in Newsday. Follow along…step by step…and enjoy!
The clams looked phabulous…and they truly were!
Brauns chopped clams
Fini-linguine  & vermicelli estremamente al dente
Almost ready!
Ready!  Look at those brilliant clams!
One thing I’d like to put out there….
Sincere thanks Bob for your clams. My text to you came back as undeliverable and there is no way I can forward what I wrote. I actually went back to the dock the next day as you said you’d be there at 3 PM, however either missed you or, for some reason, you couldn’t show. I’ll b looking for you again
If anyone out there knows Bob the clammer from these pics, please let him know I’d like to communicate with him.
Mangia Baby!
As usual, please feel free to comment. Always love to hear from you!

3 thoughts on "A Great White…Clam Sauce Story…From Braun’s Seafood…in Cutchogue (NOFO) To Bob The Clammer In Oyster Bay, New York"

Wow, what luck that you ran into Bob just as you were planning on making clam sauce (which is my favorite by the way)! The pictures you posted of the final results look amazing. I have got a craving for them now and may have to make them myself! Unfortunately I have no Bob here to provide clams!

Crystal Carson @ Tacky Jacks

My grandmother loved clams. I took care of her until she passed at 93. She always wanted the juice to drink, being a retired schoolteacher, she would raise her glass and quote some Shakespeare before she took a drink. Something like, "Drink of me with thine eyes…" The smell of cooking clams always reminds me of her.

Grover Milligan @ Captain Jims Miami

Bert Spitz says:

Hi Crystal and Grover. Thank you for your comments!
Crystal…did you make them?

Grover…I can see why you thought about your grandmother here with all those fresh clam pics…Glad I could help inspire a pleasant memory.

More to come.
Stay tuned.

Thanks again,

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